Tagging and data modeling have numerous benefits in the Buildings industry. In a recent blog, we discussed the challenges in the industry that are being solved by Project Haystack. Now, we will look at some practical examples of how tagging and data modeling is being used by the Haystack community in a variety of applications and use cases in a series of seven blogs (the seven payoffs). This blog highlights the payoffs of analytic applications. 

Read full blog on J2 Innovations website.

As a FIN Distribution Partner, MSA can assist you in implementing Haystack Tagging to maximize your energy savings and occupant comfort.

  • Payoff #1: Device Data
  • Payoff #2: Relationships and Summaries
  • Payoff #3: User Experience
  • Payoff #4: Automatic Control Logic
  • Payoff #5: Automated Commissioning
  • Payoff #6: Analytic Applications
  • Payoff #7: Enterprise Applications